If you are a daytrader, you should have been ready for a decent bounce to the upside. The market was clearly oversold after a relatively sharp pull back in the last week. Then, all you had to do was look for some stocks that were gapping higher on the open, or had decent trading set ups suggesting a bias to the upside.
Medifast (MED) was one of those stocks poised for an upside move. After a sharp pullback in the last week, it seemed to find support yesterday and traded within a narrow range, its narrowest in four sessions. It then opened strongly this morning and traded up sharply in the first half hour. This was a tough trade to take due to the fact that the stock moved well over a dollar in the first half hour. It then broke out of its early range and traded up over another dollar above its breakout price, before settling into a trading range for the rest of the day. See the chart below.

Scott Cole
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